Monday, September 15, 2014


Generalization: George W Bush’s speech: Freedom at War with Fear aka “You’re either with us, or against us.”

I know, I know, this isn’t an article. But it’s the perfect generalization example. Here, Bush assumes that you either are patriotic by supporting the war, or you aren’t. Some would argue that they were more patriotic by not wanting to go to war because it was the “better option” hence helping the country more than a war would.

In President Obama’s speech almost a week ago now, he compared the threat of ISIS to the threat of Al Qaeda. This is effective in several ways. Firstly, we were essentially able to wipe out it’s top members, Osama Bin Laden and Atiyah Abd al-Rahman. This infers that we should be able to do the same. Secondly, Al Qaeda is fresh in people’s minds since it was recently the anniversary of September 11, raising patriotic emotions.

Geopolitical Risks and Markets, Economist blog, Buttonwood’s Blog (one of my favorite nerdy places to read :)
The Economist forecasts that the market are going to go down even more, and that conflict is inevitable. He compares world conditions to those at the turn of the 19th century, with dwindling markets and conflicts in many of the same geopolitical circles; between China and Japan, Western Europe and Russia, Africa, etc.

“Are Liberal Jewish Voters a Thing of the Past?” NYT, Joseph Berger
Pretty self explanatory title. His main supporting cause is that orthodox Jews are having far more children, and that politicians are starting to cater to their wants.

“Putin Threatens Retaliation against “Strange” Western Sanctions”-Moscow Times
The article states that Putin has said they will take over the the rest of Ukraine if needed. The article essentially uses his word as the only source for validity in the article.

“Fighting Terrorism under Democracy”-Boston Globe, Alan M. Dershhowitz

Argues that we haven’t been able to find the correct balance between our democratic ideals and protecting ourselves and preserving the rest of the world.  The principle used is that democracy is not working the way that it should, and appeals to the inner patriotic American.

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